Our Bio Organic Fertiliser

Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser

100% AUSTRALIAN Chemical Free NATURAL liquid fertiliser

Wormtec Organic Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser


Wormtec Liquid Organic Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser is a highly concentrated liquid solution containing beneficial soil microbes and plant available nutrients and minerals. Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is used both as a fertiliser and soil re-builder and conditioner with the added bonus of assisting with Pest and Disease Bio Control all in the one Product


Wormtec Worm Farming and Vermiculture has been developing Wormtec Organic Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser and Soil Improvers for over 16 years now, our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is biology based, now this is where I believe the future lies in rebuilding depleted chemical abused soils.


Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is Biology Based and 100% Organic


By utilizing beneficial soil microbes in an easy to apply liquid that also contains plant available nutrient in a chemical free organic form we are able to start the job of detoxify  and rebuilding our agricultural and garden soils

Here at Wormtec Worm Farming and Vermiculture we have developed World Leading Technology in extracting soil microbes from high grade worm castings and composts this technology is only available to Wormtec Worm Farming and Vermiculture as we are the only ones that have spent the time to developed this World Leading Microbial Extraction Technology ourselves on site


Wormtec Worm Extract is a Living Product


Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is a live product and is full of dormant micro-organisms, these microbes are ready to wake up and start the job of repairing degraded soils, cycling nutrients and minerals into organic forms for the plants or crop to consume.


Are all worm based products the same?


Our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser has been perfected over 16 years and entails producing our own high grade worm casting, these high grade worm castings are then put into custom built brewers that extract the microbes, nutrients and all the beneficial properties of the worm castings into a liquid solution in a safe manner without damaging the microbes.

Most worm based products on the market are just leachate water (excess run off water)

We tested our products with both Southern Cross University and SFI Australia to develop our product to where it is today.

If you produce fertiliser from low grade inputs you will just produce low grade fertiliser or brown water

This is why we invested 16 years of Research and Development into producing high grade worm castings to produce our Wormtec Liquid Organic Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser from

Wormtec Worm Farming and Vermicultures fertiliser plant on the Queensland Gold Coast can Produce in Excess of 1 Million Litres of Wormtec Organic Liquid Microbial Worm Extract Fertiliser


Application of Wormtec Organic Liquid Microbial Worm Extract Fertiliser


We have found with lots of onsite testing the best benefit from our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is when used as a soil drench product and we feed the micro-organisms at application time with whatever organic foods your soil requires. Once our Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser is applied to the soil the biological component then becomes active and starts colonizing your soil, plants or crop and starts rebuilding you soil and plant health. The nutrients contained in our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser are in a plant available form our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is easily applied with spray equipment boom sprays, boom less nozzles or hose but we recommend the use of a diaphragm pump.


The benefits to you and the Environment


As Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is a totally organic product it is safe to use around pets and environmentally sensitive areas, because it is chemical free there is no chance of any detrimental problems with people and animals coming in contact with it once it’s applied on lawns, gardens or crops

By applying our Liquid Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser on to your leaf and soil surfaces you are re-establishing the micro-organisms and biology that chemical fertilisers have killed off. Plus re-applying all the micro nutrients and trace elements that your plants require to grow in a plant available form.


Wormtec Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser as a biological control


The beneficial soil biology contained in our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser will inoculate plant leaf surfaces and root system and help to protect them from disease. The organic nutrient contained in our extracts does not leach out of the root zone from rain or over watering like Chemical Fertilisers do because the micro-organisms will consume it and hold it in the soil profile.




One of the Main Benefits of our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is been able to store our fertiliser without the microbes’ dying this is the problem our competitors have been having since day one. We are able to store Liquid Organic Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser in sealed containers for up to four months before application. This allows time to transport our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser to farms for application. This is the main down side of aerated worm teas and compost teas, as they must be used within four hours of brew aeration finishing.

As a living product the microbes need oxygen to survive and we also need to control the temperature also so please store your Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser out of the sun in a nice cool location, also loosen the lid to allow air to enter the drum. This will drastically lengthen the life of this microbial product.


Never allow a food source to enter drum


As Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is microbial based we have a unique means of getting the biology to go into dormancy this allows us to store our product,  if you allow a food source to contaminate the Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser like fish, kelp or molasses just to name a few to enter the drum of Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser the biology will wake up and consume all the oxygen inside the drum and then die, leaving you with a very smelly container of worthless Liquid.


I will say this one last time


Never apply a food source into your Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser drum always make sure the food activator is only added to the spray tank or watering can, if you add the food source to your drum you will activated all the biology inside the drum and any leftover extract will go off and be wasted


Activating Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser


Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser contains mostly a dormant biologically component that, when mixed with a food source then becomes active, the microbes will then begin to breed and there population will expand and start rebuilding you soil and plant health.


Activated product


To drastically increase the activity of the biology contained in the Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser I add a small amount of fish and kelp powder to the Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser at application time this food source stimulates the dormant organisms to become active, so they can start the job of rebuilding the health of the soil.


Non activated Product


Applying Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser without a food source is just a slower method of increasing the microbe numbers in both the Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser and the soil or crop that you are applying it to. The biology in this method will come out of dormancy when it is stimulated by the plants or climatic conditions It works just as well long term but it does take longer to start than if you do add a food source..


When to Apply Our Liquid Organic Fertiliser


I try to apply our Wormtec Organic Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser early morning or late afternoon so the ultra violet rays from the sun won’t have a detrimental effect on the beneficial biology in our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial  Fertiliser, as the microbes are in a dormant state, applying them on a hot sunny day still give huge numbers of viable microbes, when it’s raining or the soil and plants are wet you can apply at any time as the organisms will use this available moisture to colonize the plant and soil while at the same time be protected from the suns radiation.


Application of Worm Extract for Agriculture


Our Wormtec Organic Worm Extract Microbial Fertiliser can be applied via normal agricultural spray equipment but please increase the jet size so you are not harming the biology at application time, plus the use of a diaphragm pump is recommended both soil drench and foliar applications are efficient at getting the product applied.

We only use about 20 psi very low pressure when  we apply microbial products as you don’t want to squash them with pressure if they hit the ground or a tree under high pressure they will die


Application of Wormtec Worm Extract Home Gardener


Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is applied as a liquid spray or by watering can onto plant leaf surfaces or as a soil drench to re-apply all the beneficial micro-organisms and micro nutrients that your soil and plant require.Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser will assist in improve the soil by returning nutrients and micro-organisms back into the soil increasing soil fertility and plant health. Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial  Fertiliser, helps retain moisture so less water is required while feeding your plants. Our Wormtec Worm Extract Organic Microbial Fertiliser is a concentrate so can be diluted with water up to 30 to 1 so it is very economical to use


Application Rates


This is where you need to phone me so that I can assist you, as we need to line up, your soil with Compaction, Soil PH levels, Pest and Disease Pressures have you had heavy chemical use on your property, Do you have Earth Worms in your soil.

Its not complicated but we need to do it right the first time without wasting Product, Time and of course MONEY


Fertilise your own lawn and gardens with our organic feriliser which can be purchased from our online store Gold Coast Lawn Care


We can ship 1,000 litres+ Australia wideLiquid organic fertiliser Australia